Warrington 13u Water Polo Tournament
Warrington hosted Chester, Liverpool and Radcliffe in a friendly tournament for the 13 and unders on Saturday 20th November at Orford Jubilee Leisure Centre. It was an opportunity for some of the younger players, newer to water polo, to play in competitive matches. A lot of the players have only ever played in a handful of matches, many interrupted by the pandemic. The players made for a fun and exciting tournament that we hope was enjoyed by everyone.
Warrington entered two teams, the Whirlwinds and the Cyclones, for the round robin event. All of the teams played some great water polo, which culminated in two nail-biting matches in the last round. Liverpool and Warrington Cyclones played for third place and Chester Romans and Radcliffe were in the first and second place play off. The Cyclones edged Liverpool in an exciting game for third and Chester pipped Radcliffe in a very competitive game, that either side could have won.
We'd like to thank everyone who made the tournament a success, especially the players for their hard work and commitment. See you at the next one.